In Cogefrin Group we consider quality as a fundamental principle

Over the years we have developed a style and a vision of the company that put quality at the centre of the work of all the companies of our group.

Certainty, timeliness, and accuracy have always characterized our way of working. The concept of quality is applied in detail on all levels of Cogefrin Group, and this has allowed us to affirm with the day to day leadership of our group.

A network solid and reliable partners and professionals

We have built a network of solid and reliable partners and/or subsidiaries in the most important hub of Europe and the world. The quality of our network and experience we have gained in the field, have made us what we are today and allow us to offer daily high-quality services.

Customer satisfaction

The definition of quality has undergone several transformations in the course of time. For this we monitor carefully the business processes using performance indicators objective that allow us to guarantee the excellent performance and the maximum satisfaction of the customer.

Certificazione ISO 9001:2015*

Division Shipments

*fai click sul logo per visualizzare la certificazione